Facts, Excuses, Myths & Gym Comments/Stories 

The above will be posted throughout this page.

We also enjoy various photographs and meme's that portray health and fitness! Enjoy!


We can help change your body through a personal training routine.

Everything else, (finances, looks, hair, habits, lifestyle) is up to you!

The male and female muscular system are the same.

The difference between genders are genitalia, chemicals (hormones), DNA and the way a person was born (LGBTQIA+). 

There is a lot of information about the human body. However, two of the hormones have considerable impacts.

Testosterone and Estrogen are huge factors for the genders.

Everyone knows as we age, everything changes. We're not as focused, hurt more and heal slower. That's because we start losing these hormones.
Both genders produce these hormones to some extent and lack of or over production can have poor side effects.

Symptoms of low testosterone & why Dr. may prescribe it.

Decreased sex drive
Erectile dysfunction
Higher percentage of stomach fat Gynecomastia (development of breast tissue)
Lack of body hair
Lack of deepening of the voice
Low muscle mass
Slowed growth of the testicles or penis
Lack of motivation
Difficulty concentrating
Problems with memory

Symptoms of low estrogen & why a Dr. may prescribe it.

Hot flashes
Excessive sweating
Night sweats
Your body isn't producing enough estrogen during puberty.
You have vulvar atrophy (a genital skin condition).
You have atrophic vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina).
You have female hypogonadism (ovaries don't produce enough hormones).
You have Turner syndrome (a genetic condition that affects physical development).
Your ovaries have been removed.
You're at risk for or have osteoporosis (weak, porous bones) after menopause. You're being treated for prostate cancer. You're transitioning or have transitioned from male to female.


People always find excuses to use when exercise is the topic. We've listed some below with facts.

"I don't have time to workout."

This is one of the biggest excuses. Everyone has the same exact amount of time in a day, yet other people do make the time to workout.  

"You have to die from something."

Fact: everyone dies. Another fact: you don't have to help death find you sooner.

"It's too hard to workout (exercise)."

It's called working out for a reason. Just like everything else in life, it takes work to have the good things, including your health.

"People get hurt in a gym."

"Some people hurt their head thinking." is what first comes to my thought's when I hear this. Fact: People get hurt walking down the street.

"I don't like people watching me."

"Ever hear of people watching?" The fact is, people watch other's in every aspect of life. Maybe they're watching to learn something. Or to make sure you're not going to hurt yourself. Most of the time people aren't watching you in the gym. They're too busy focusing on themselves. Stop being paranoid or narcissistic. Whichever the case may be.

"I can't afford it."

Me: "Can you afford to be dead?"  This is just another huge excuse. Could it really be about priorities or laziness?

Myth's About Exercise & Related Topics

1. Lifting weights will bulk you up. (Typically heard from women.)

Fact: Unless you're taking human growth hormones (HGH) or a testosterone enhancer, a woman will NOT bulk up like a man.

2. I can't lose the weight.

There's very few reason's a person can't lose weight (Thyroid problems or certain diseases). Anyone can lose weight unless they have one of the aforementioned problems. 

3. It cost too much to be healthy and fit.

A person does NOT have to go to the health club or gym to be healthy. There are many other ways to be healthy and fit.

4. "Turn that fat into muscle." (Heard from many "health/fitness guru's")

Fact: Fat and muscle are two very different things. You can shrink fat, but not lose it. As for muscle, it can be increased/grown (hypertrophy) or decreased (atrophy). 

Weight Belt Short

I was training a client in the weight room one day when three officers came in to workout. It was obvious none of them had been in a gym in years, but spent a lot of time at the donut shop.

They went straight to our Olympic  and strong man weight belts. One of the officers started to put the belt on. He could NOT get it around his waist!

"They need bigger weight belts." he said.


Hated to Run

I had a client that hated to run. After four kids she really wanted to get in better shape. She didn't have any reason (disability or injury) to not run. I tried everything imaginable (even meeting at the park) and could not get her to run. 

One day I looked out the window and saw her blur by. Naturally I had to find out why she was running. I opened the door and she sprinted by me.

When she stopped and caught her breath, I asked her what happen.

"My friend let me try her new perfume." she said.

Apparently bee's liked the new perfume.
DAMN perfume and bee's had her running!

I went out and bought her a bottle!

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